Ethical/Social Issues Pertaining Gene Knockout
Fetus Development: Since gene knockout takes place during the embryonic stage, it is unknown how the treatment will affect the fetus during development. It is possible that the treatment can affect the fetus in unexpected ways that may or may not have long-term side effects. Furthermore, it is uncertain if the treatment is beneficial or harmful until the offspring is born. Once the damage is done by gene knockout treatments, it is unknown if it can be undone. (4.1)
Potential Risks: With the many improvements that still need to be made to gene knockout therapies comes numerous possible risks, especially when using the CRISPR method. Using gene knockout with CRISPR involves many risks since this method could "produce off target mutations" which can result in the deletion of multiple DNA sequences in living organisms. These unintended sequences will result in mutations "which may cause cell death or transformation." Efficient use of gene knockout therapies will require further improvement in order to reduce potential risks to patients. (4.3)
Using Genome Editing for Enhancement: Gene knockout technologies can be possibly used to enhance the performance of athletes, to prevent future diseases, or even to alter physical features during an individual's embryonic stage. However, if gene knockout technologies are approved for use in the future, analysts have concluded that using gene knockout for treatments will be just as expensive as other gene therapies. This will put those who cannot afford the treatment at a disadvantage since they will not be able to enhance their offspring for the better, while others will be able to do so. (4.3)
Ethical/Legal Issues Pertaining Gene Knockout
Privacy and Security: In order to alter the genes of a human being for studies, researchers must be able to access an individual's personal information about behavior and social factors which can include disease histories, relationships, education, and drug use. Having access to an individual's personal information is necessary for researchers because they must know which genes to alter in order to benefit the patient. However, many people feel violated after sharing their personal information for research as it invades their privacy. Due to this, many people will decline to participate in research for gene therapy studies. (4.2)